Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 12, 2010

Metro Lights

See Live Demo Download Now!

Metro Lights is a clean, minimal and dark Tumblr theme with custom fonts.

The theme has a great documentation that allows everyone to extend or customize the look ‘n feel of the theme.

This theme is aimed for usage in personal tumblogs and for those who want to emphasize on the content of their blog rather than the design as this design has a very minimized design/communication noise.

Created 10 December 10
Last Update 10 December 10
Columns 1
Compatible Browsers IE8, Firefox, Safari
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files

Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 12, 2010

Fanfarron Theme

See Live Demo Download Now!

Fanfarron theme its a elegant and very customizable theme for Tumblr, supports all tumblr features (text posts, photoset posts, quote posts, audio posts, video posts, answer posts, link posts, chat posts, day pages, tag pages, random button for posts, pages, twitter widget, search box, jump pagination, likes, etc) and other caracteristics like support for disqus comments, ad banners, Google Analytics or a Flickr widget.

Some Features

  • 1 Minute Install Process
  • You can change, show or hide your portrait image
  • You can select the position of the two columns
  • The posts footers are different in permalink pages, showing notes, comments, share options, and info post in sepatate tabs.
  • You can show 3 customizable banners for advertising (175×80) in the top of the post column or every 5 posts.
  • You can add easily an upper bar with tags for categorize your posts
  • You can select between a dynamic menu column with your info (like your likes, people you are following, your flickr photos, your tweets, etc) agruppated in tabs or a classic column with this info one over the other.

All the themes graphics, icons and javascript are hosted on Tumblr’s hosting service for easy installation, so you don’t have to worry about where to host the files.

The options in the appearance menu are the followings:

color | Background color

color | Post links color

color | Post links hover color

image | Background image

image | Portrait Image

image | Default Ad Image

image | Ad Banner 1 image

image | Ad Banner 2 image

image | Ad Banner 3 image

select | Dynamic Info Menu

select | Align posts Column to left

select | Active Flickr Widget

select | Hide Tumblr Controls

select | Repeat Background Image

select | Background Image Fixed

select | Show Portrait Image

select | Show Categories Menu

select | Load Notes via AJAX

select | Auto Hide Posts Info

select | Show social Media Icons

select | Show Advertising Banners

select | Show Advertising Every 5 posts

select | Show Pages Menu

select | Show Search Box

select | Show People I Follow

select | Show Stuff I Like

select | Show My Latests Tweets

select | Show Posts Tags

textbox | Flickr Author ID

textbox | Only Flickr photos with tag < your tag >

textbox | Disqus Shortname

textbox | Custom Title (default “Your Title Here”)

textbox | Categories (default tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4)

textbox | Facebook Username

textbox | Twitter Username

textbox | Youtube Username

textbox | Flickr Username

textbox | Delicious Username

textbox | LastFM Username

textbox | Spotify Username

textbox | Google Analytics ID

textbox | Ad Banner 1 URL (default ”/ask”)

textbox | Ad Banner 1 title (default “Your Ad Here”)

textbox | Ad Banner 2 URL (default ”/ask”)

textbox | Ad Banner 2 title (default “Your Ad Here”)

textbox | Ad Banner 3 URL (default ”/ask”)

textbox | Ad Banner 3 title (default “Your Ad Here”)

Created 2 December 10
Last Update 2 December 10
Columns 1
Compatible Browsers IE8, Firefox, Safari, Opera
Documentation Well Documented
High Resolution No
Layout Fixed
ThemeForest Files Included Layered PSD, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files